All my pages, right here:


As I tuck my younger son David into bed each night, we talk about breakfast. My older son keeps a list of places we hope to travel.  Clearly they are my children!

We center our trips around food, be it to the New England Aquarium or to Phippsburg, Maine.  Together we grown an organic garden, explore farmer's markets, bake bagels and waffles and pancakes and dream of visiting the world.

When my sons are with their dad on alternate weekends, I have the luxury of time to take more trips, now (to New York City, to Providence, to Portland and hopefully, beyond) and to write, to read, to cook with abandon.

I still read cookbooks to bed at night and wake up reading the food section of the New York Times.

The reality is that this blog has evolved since I began it in 2007. Then it was a record of my transition into motherhood and discovering that my newborn had food allergies. By 2009, Raphael had grown out of his allergies (except for peanuts), and David had been born. I began to dedicate more time to recording our travels, our meals, and to create a list of recommendations of where we ate. By 2011, I was a single mom with two young boys, realizing that, in my heart, my sons, food and travel are my passions.

So, for now, I am a mother, a teacher professionally and an aspiring travel and food writer. Or perhaps, I am one.

I only write about places that I really like, believe in, and enjoy.  I am not paid to mention any place or item on the blog. In the cases were a meal or a product or tickets were provided for free ("comped") I always try to be transparent and clear about that on the blog. Ultimately, if I post about a place it is where I would recommend it to friends and family.

I am always looking for recommendations for places to eat, cookbooks to review, restaurants to try, towns to explore. So, feel free to e-mail me at at Foodiemommy (at) gmail (dot) com