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Monday, June 18, 2012

Strawberries, A Secret Stand, and a Sudbury Park: Our Father's Day

If you are lucky enough to get there soon, you too may be able to pick glorious ruby red strawberries at Verrill Farm.  (We picked 6.3 pounds. Pretty impressive for 4 small hands. And only $20!)
Head inside the farm stand and stock up on fresh rhubarb, the sweetest peas possible, vibrant icicle radishes, and their always tender mixed berry scones.
If you are one of the lucky few, go down the street, peer into Pete and Jen's Backyard Bird's tiny farm stand and choose from tiny pullet eggs or larger ones. We also snagged some fresh wheat berries but saved cheese and homemade bacon for our next visit.
Then, if you are a big kid or have some of your own, finish up with a picnic at the wonderful playground at the Peter Noyes Elementary School in Sudbury. Go home. Eat more the eggs on top of sautéed radish greens. Nap. Make a salad. Make biscuits. Eat more strawberries.  This was our Father's Day. It was pretty perfect.

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