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Monday, June 15, 2009

A FoodieMommy First: A Contest!

It is the 3rd Anniversary of FoodieMommy and time for a first: The First Ever FoodieMommy Contest! And, yes, there is a prize!

To enter, send an e-mail with your favorite FoodieMommy find in the Greater Boston area (ideally with the website and/or address). Include a few lines about why it is such a great place to bring kids and why others should check it out. Make sure to send along your contact information. (Nope, this won't be published. Unless you offer to send my family on a vacation that is actually more than 10 miles from here. Then we will have a party in your honor. Or unless you want to provide a nanny service for the 5:30 a.m. wake ups. Then we will have a big party in your honor.)

A winner will be randomly chosen (otherwise known as the 3 year old pulling a name out of a hat before the 15 month old eats said paper). Thanks to the folks at McCormick and Schmicks Seafood Restaurant, the winner will receive a gift certificate to check them out.

The contest will be on for the month of June, so send your ideas to

Thanks and best of luck!

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