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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

This Week at the Harvard Square Farmer's Market

While rain may be good for vegetables, as my three year old keeps saying, "They have enough rain, Mommy. Now they really, really need sun." Despite the rain, farmers and vendors are still setting up at Farmer's Markets around the state to bring wonderful produce and specialty goods. The range of items is so much more than you can get in the store and everything is so much more beautiful.

On Tuesday I started out at the Harvard Square Market. Just like last year, you can walk away with many fixings for a meal. Some highlights of the produce: delicious IMP carrots, radishes, zucchini, beans and blueberries from Ward's Berry Farm in Sharon; more spectacular organic radishes from Plato's Farm, lovely chives and scallions from Flat's Mentor Farm and kohlrabi, gooseberries and currants from Silverbrook and Lanni farms. One of my favorite parts of this market are the other treats. You can get ice cream from Christina's. Make sure to sample the delectable nuts from Q's Nuts.
They come coated in hot and sweet spices, but aren't coated in oil. I can never leave without buying my absolute favorite (and no, unfortunately for me, I am not being given free samples to say this!): Taza chocolate. They have a few new flavors: guajillo chile, yerbe mate and a salted almond bar that was so good I bought some immediately.

The Harvard Square Farmer's Market takes place on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 6:00 p.m. until October, between the Sander's Theater and Science Center.

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