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Monday, August 3, 2009

This past week at the Orleans, Newton and Natick Farmer's Markets

Highlights this past week at the Newton Farmer's Market: gorgeous flowers, amaranth, sour and sweet cherries, so many berries, squash blossoms (great for stuffing with cheese and frying) sweet cherry tomatoes and black tomatoes from Kimball's Farm, multihued potatoes, corn, chiogga beets and mizuna.At the Natick Market-there is now fish! We bought a pound of perfectly fresh and delicious haddock for $10.00. (Alas, salmon was sold out!). We also bought yellow cucumbers from Tangerinis and another Hawaiian yellow type from Small Ax Farms. Both tasted a bit like green apples and were very crisp.At the Orleans Market on Cape Cod there were many varieties of homemade soap, lovely sunflowers, Romanesque cauliflower, special cucumbers, and purslane (similar to watercress), that I made into a Purslane Cheese soup from David Leite's new book, The New Portuguese Table.
I will end today with a plea-between the rain and tomato blight (a fungus that has ruined many tomato crops), this year has been a particular struggle for many farms. They bring us a range of wonderful vegetables that are not available at stores and some farmers are trying so hard to rely on organic methods despite losing so many tomatoes. Please, keep supporting them at the farms or farmer's markets.

1 comment:

  1. those photos are gorgeous! makes me want to get in a car and drive there now.
