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Sunday, January 17, 2010

This Week at the Natick Winter Farmer's Market

My sons and I so loved our first trip to the new Natick Winter's Farmer's market, that we couldn't wait to return. This past Saturday had just as many gems. Jordan Brothers offered gorgeous slabs of salmon. I also tried their fresh Gulf of Mexico shrimp that had been briefly boiled. They were sweeter than other shrimp I had had previously. My sons' immediately ran over to the Golden Girl Granola table to have a sweet treat of a raspberry scone. They finished their snack with apples and tomatoes (harvested indoors) from Freitas Farms. Meanwhile, I chose some acorn squash from one of my favorites: Tangerini's farm. In addition to last week's vendors, you could buy fresh lobster from the C & C Lobster company, tea or a new cranberry jam from Fisher Brook Farms.

The Natick Winter Farmer's Market, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. from January to February, 99 South Main Street.


  1. Jealous! I have to make it out there one day....

  2. amazing market i'd love to visit it

  3. Wow I didn't even know winter markets existed! We'll have to take a drive out there and check it out.

  4. Came across your site when I was googling to find out about the Natick Farmers' Market. We check out the Wayland market this past weekend, and are looking forward to checking out the Natick one this weekend. You make it look wonderful :)
