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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Back to School Contest #1: Panera

As readers of this blog know, I am not a chain-restaurant (or chain-anything for that matter) kind-of-mom. I also prefer to cook dinner at home rather than experience the stress of wondering if my toddlers will make it through a restaurant meal before melt-downs occur. However, I am now a single mom. And I am returning to work as a teacher. In other words, the idea of preparing (and cleaning up!) dinner for my kids each night is overwhelming.
And, it is even more so if you add in preparing lunches for everyone, getting breakfast ready and, yes, cleaning up (again!) after all those meals. So, when the folks at Panera Bread offered to send me and a reader a gift certificate, I jumped at the chance. Because, Panera actually works for us. No, the meats aren't organic. But the kids' meal comes with organic yogurt and cheese and I can order sandwiches on wheat bread. And the counter service means my kids can sit and play and get their food quickly. (Though on a recent visit, their highlight was the pager to know when your food is ready!) I've long been a fan of their Frontega chicken panini, oozing with chipotle mayo. But I also recently discovered the Turkey Panini with smoked cheddar and bacon. There is always the salad and half sandwich option. Or I have been known to get their asiago cheese bread and just nibble away at that. And in the winter, the vegetarian soups in a bread bowl are satisfying enough. And, nope, no clean up. (See a theme here?)
So, lucky readers, now it is your chance to have at least one meal before you hit the ground running (with toddlers in tow.) To enter the chance to receive a $20 gift certificate to Panera, just leave a comment before Monday, August 30th. Make sure to include your e-mail so I can contact you if you are the winner. I will choose the random at random, contact you for your snail mail, and send that gift certificate to you as soon as I can.

Best of luck!

Panera Bread is located throughout the U.S. Just check out their website.


  1. Wishing you all the best as you head back to school!

  2. I love the tomato soup there. . . . with half of a tuna sandwich - a perfect meal (with a cookie for dessert).

  3. I'm also an educator and also love Panera for those times when we just can't seem to pull it together in-house! Good luck with the back-to-school fun! (E-mail:

  4. We, my 2 daughters (16 and 19) and I, are not big diners-out as we all have different tastes...oh, and they have great social lives and don't often eat out with their crusty Mum. We always agree on Panera...if only they'd serve a little glass of wine with my panini! BTW, I love Sportello...great interview with Barbara Lynch!

  5. I have never actually tried Panera but keep meaning to.....if I'm lucky enough to win I'll treat my daughter to lunch there, we don't start back at pre-school until the 13th!

  6. I love Panera - I don't go often but it's nice to have a healthy option when traveling. Also, they have changing tables.

  7. I'm with you on the horrible-ness of most chains, and prefering to cook my own at home. BUT.....sometimes circumstances call for eating at a quick serve stop. For that, my family enjoys Panera for its abundunce of choices, and I like the fact that there are some better-for- you options!

  8. Just one more day, commenters! But tomorrow I will draw the winner. Best of luck

  9. I used to eat at Panera a lot, but not so often any more. Still, I find myself craving their Asian chicken salad often.

    Good luck in the new school year!

  10. I hope I'm not too late with this comment for the contest, but I LOVE panera kids meals. They're actually decent for adults too (yes, Paneras will let you order a kids meal no matter what your age) if you don't want a whole meal but only a snack.

  11. Would love to win this! Panera makes some great soups!

  12. Thank you to everyone for entering. The winner is...Danielle. YAY. If you didn't win, keep your eyes open for a new contest. Danielle: I will e-mail you directly for your address.
