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Monday, March 7, 2011

Favorites, As of Late

Melissa Clark-I have developed a huge crush on her as a food writer and on her recipes. The broccoli with shrimp is a perfect example of her cooking. In a few minutes, with a few ingredients (including the citrusy spice coriander), you have a marvelous dinner. Clark also, finally, taught me how to sear tofu. And her wonderful olive oil lemon banana bread is not only ridiculously simple, but the addition of lemon just adds depth to the bread. Her new book is In the Kitchen With a Good Appetite.

Dorie Greenspan's Around My French Table. I raved about that here.

Winter Markets: Providence, Somerville, Wayland, Natick each have their own. Go. Try. Enjoy.

Farmer's Market Eggs-I love that they are shades of blue. I love that they taste so good. I love that they are (if you find the right ones) organic.

Winter Carrots-All I can tell you is that winter carrots direct from the Winter Farmer's Markets are the sweetest I have ever had.

Stillman's meats-you can find Stillman's meats at Farmer's Markets. This is what both a farmer's market and good meat is about. You get a range of organic and sustainably raised, and delicious meats that are far better than any you will find at the grocery store.

Honey from Aquidneck Honey. This is my favorite honey. It is lemony and fruity. It goes perfectly on scones, bread, muffins. In fact, it is so good I have eaten it with a spoon. You can purchase it at the Providence/Rhode Island Winter Farmer's Market.

High Lawn Farm Milk. Yum.

The new Salt and Pepper bar from Taza. I still adore the Salted almond, but this is so good.

Citrus at Russos and Trader Joes: blood oranges, meyer lemons. I am also loving their Italian Style Pink Grapefruit soda (better still with gin...or vodka!)

The array of coffees from at Diesel Cafe in Somerville. For that matter, there is no other place that I would rather grade, if anybody really wants to grade in the first place!

The Mole sauce at Viva in Wayland. I know that many people here have been disappointed with their service. So take out a dish with their heavenly mole. It is as good as I have had outside Puebla, Mexico.

Everything at Rod Dee. Each time I return (and I even tried their new space in Porter Square), I ask for the cook to choose something from the original Thai menu. I have been happy every time to much on the sweet, spicy, noodle and rice dishes.

Harold McGee's method of cooking pasta. Silly, I know. But with one son that lives on pasta, the time saved at the end of the work day is pretty critical. In McGee's method, you put pasta and COLD water in a saucepan, heat it to boil and cook til done.

Scott Conant's pasta with tomato sauce. You wouldn't think you need a recipe for this. But just check it out. Essentially you make an incredibly simple tomato sauce. You then toss fresh pasta in the sauce, along with fresh basil, Parmesan and butter. Heaven.

The Splendid Table (for food interviews and recipes) and Spilled Milk Podcasts (for laughs)

Feel free to share other favorites that you have discovered...

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