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Monday, May 30, 2011

"Mom, I am HUNGRY!": Sargento Cheese Fridge Packs

I know I am not the only parent that is hit with demands of starvation in the time between arriving home and dinner. Ironically, when my goal is to put some fresh vegetables and healthy meal on the table for dinner, I can't prepare a good snack. So, I am always looking for easy healthy options that the kids can eat. I also, though, care that they learn to make healthy choices independently, so I love when snack is something my sons can chose themselves. For the most part this means yogurt, which they love but still is loaded with sugar. And my peanut allergic child eliminates the standard peanut butter based snacks. Cheese sticks, though, fill this role beautifully. The protein fills up the kids, they can grab it themselves and, voila, instant calm. So, when Mom Central Consulting asked for some volunteers to try Sargento's new Fridge Packs, I easily jumped on the bandwagon. While, honestly, I prefer to go organic, the price, especially of organic cheese, can be prohibitive.

Three huge boxes of cheese sticks in 3 varieties: Mild Cheddar Cheese, Light String Cheese and Colby-Jack arrived in the mail. The selling point? That for around $6.99, you get 18 string cheeses in a stand up pack. Initially I was ambivalent about this. First, from an environmental perspective, I am always skeptical of more packaging.
But truth be told, those boxes do make it easier for my kids to find the box of cheese behind the plums, peaches, snap peas and jars of jam that easily take over the frig. Overall, the Colby-Jack was a bit strong for a few tasters under age seven, but my cheese-obsessed 3 year old nibbled his up quickly.

So, the verdict? The cheese is tasty. While not organic or local, it isn't processed and is easily available at the supermarket. So, will I buy the frig pack in the future? Probably not but only for my hesitancy about extra packaging. But will I buy more Sargento cheese sticks? Yup. For more info about their products, just click here.

Now, the full disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Sargento and received product samples and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate. For more info about Mom Central Consulting, click here.

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