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Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Treat of Mother Juice

Despite the fact that I actually love whole grain breads, organic berries and kale, I balked when I was once offered the taste of a green smoothie. The color was just too off-putting.  Then, on one hungry morning in Maine, I tried a smoothie with kale, mango, banana, and apple cider. I loved it. I have been a convert since then, but haven't quite made the leap into investing in a Vitamix or similar smoothie maker. And, as I live twenty minutes from Boston, it is nearly impossible to find a cafe that cold-presses fresh juice.
So, when I was offered the chance to sample some of the items on the menu at the new Mother Juice cafe in Kendall Square, I happily said, "Yes!"  The two owners, Ellen Fitzgerald and Laura Baldini were kind and welcoming. I enjoyed the tang of the greens, pineapple and ginger in the "Kale Ya", the tart and sweet blend of the "Hangover Cure" which was a mix of apples, orange, beet, celery, and lemon juices. A Cocoblue smoothie was creamy from berries mixed with coconut yogurt, coconut water and orange juice. I appreciated the freshness of all the juices, which are pressed daily in-house.
My favorite, though, was the overnight oats. My one attempt at this dish created a crunchy, mealy snack that I could barely eat. However, Mother Juice's version was so delicious, that I had to ask for the recipe. They blend bananas, almond milk and oats and let the mixture sit overnight. It becomes silky and creamy. In my parfait, they topped it with carob and fresh berries, as well as granola. It was the perfect afternoon snack. I don't live close enough to make this a habit, but for those commuters that work nearby, Mother Juice is a perfect find.

Mother Juice, 625 W. Kendall Street Cambridge

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