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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Bertucci's for Pizza

Hi, everyone.  I am Michele’s oldest son.  I would like to tell you about a place called Bertucci’s. It is in a lot of towns. Some of the towns it is in are: Wayland, Wellesley, Framingham, and Newton. I like it because it is peanut free, they have a kid’s menu, and has really good food. On the kid’s menu, it has ravioli, cheese pizza, pepperoni pizza and a few other foods. They give everybody rolls and they are very delicious because they are fresh and chewy. If you ask, they will give you butter because otherwise they give you olive oil. For dessert, for kids you get a Hoodsie cup if you want. On the back side of the kids menu are activities and when they fold it, they put two or four crayons in it for you to keep and use.

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